Sun 29th July, 2007
Bukit Lagong is located at the back end of FRIM. This is a lowland forest area with fruit trees. Birdwatching can be easily done following the tarred road (1-2km) that leads to a small Orang Asli settlement. From the small stream, a laterite road leads up to Bukit Lagong, which takes 3 hours to get to the summit. A youth camp training centre has been built near the pond area.
Birding will be along the tarred road. Don't worry, we are not going anywhere near the summit. It will be a leisurely bird walk. Meet 7.00am sharp at the KIOSK entrance to Bukit Lagong. Please refer to the map provided. Do bring along your own binoculars and wear suitable attire, sun hat and insect repellent. It is suggested you bring your own water and snack in a small backpack.
To register please call or sms your name and MNS membership number to Ms LIM Bing Yee @ 012 2509122 or Khoo Swee Seng @ 013 3863663.